How it works
Check out the list of accepted waste streams. Pick your bag size, create an account, and place your order!
Tick off the waste stream you want to recycle on the bag and start collecting. Make sure to only collect one type per bag!
Log in to your account to request an InPost shipping QR code and drop off your bag at your nearest InPost Locker - if you're dropping off multiple bags, remember it's one bag per locker.
Your Zero Waste Bag will then be sent to TerraCycle and we’ll #RecycleEverything, including the bag!

Shipping with InPost- green and hassle-free!
InPost Lockers, which are mostly available 24/7, can be found at convenience-boosting locations such as train stations and supermarkets, enabling ultimate flexibility. Whether you are on your commute to work, heading out for dinner with friends, or returning from the gym, you can use InPost Lockers at any time.
With over 8,000 lockers located across the UK there's sure to be one not too far from you.